Audits, CPD and Consultancy

Independent Safeguarding Audit
Are you looking for an independent provider to complete an safeguarding review for your school, nursery or post-16 provision? Then look no further!
The purpose of the review will be to gain a wholistic assessment of your provision’s safeguarding processes, policies and practices to help you continue to progress.
What is included?
Before the day of the review, I will complete pre-visit research of your most recent OFSTED inspection report, website content and policies.
I will then spend a whole day with you completing the review, discussing and reviewing all your procedures, processes, recording systems, safeguarding curriculum coverage as well as meet with staff and pupils.
A further half day will be used to create a detailed report with recommendations, which you would receive within 5 working days following the visit.
The cost of this two-day process is £1249 plus travel expenses. If you are further away from London and wish to commission me for an audit, I am happy to discuss this further so please make contact.
We also offer a GOLD and GOLD+ package with a 6 months review and half termly consultation calls.
For further information and to book your audit, email safeguardingeveryday@gmail.com
CPD inset
I attend nurseries, schools and colleges to deliver CPD on
* Understanding Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (choose from Early Years, Primary or Secondary focus)
* Children - the forgotten victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence (DASV)
* Safeguarding children full training or refresher - with a focus on mainstream, early years or SEND. Suitable for all staff.
* Let's Teach Consent in the Early Years (comes with a free book and poster (HIGHLY COMMENDED in the Teach Early Years Awards 2024)
* Full day Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) training. Advanced level of training for safeguarding leads
* Safeguarding Children with Disabilities (awaiting CPD certification)
Please note, prices exclude travel expenses.
The cost for whole staff inset training is from £349 up to £999 depending on the length of the training. The fee includes planning and preparing the presentation, handouts and certificates.
For further information and to book a date, email safeguardingeveryday@gmail.com

Bespoke Consultancy
If you would like to discuss specific safeguarding training or consultancy work for your nursery, school or college, click below to send an email request for a free 30 minute Zoom consultation.
Bespoke training would not come with CPD certification but would be created at the same quality.