Parent Page

Did you know WhatsApp have updated their age restriction to 16+?
Social Media and age restrictions. Find out more HERE
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CEOP helps parents to protect their child(ren) from sexual abuse and grooming online.
CEOP child protection advisors provide immediate advice on how to talk to your child and keep them safe as well as help you deal with the concern and what to do next.
The Breck Foundation was set up after the tragic death of Breck Bednar who was a victim of online grooming. There are many benefits to young people online but there are also many risks and knowledge is power!
Online can mean more that just their phone. It includes tablets and computers, social media, gaming and messaging. There are many ways a predator can disguise themselves in order to communicate to children and online is one of the easiest. The Breck foundation is one of many sites to help you understand the risks.
The NSPCC is probably the most well known safeguarding website and holds a huge amount of information on all areas so worth taking the time to explore.
If you are concerned about the safety or welfare of a child, you can call their helpline for advice on 0808 800 5000
Although the whole website is useful, the main area which will be most useful is 'keeping children safe'. Here there are several areas to help understand more about child abuse as well as an area for parents. The parent page has a range of topics as well as strategies to help you at home.
Young Minds is a charity which helps young people and their mental health, and parents to support them. There are some great sections including; a-z of mental health, parent blog, how to get help for your child and how to look after yourself.
Their website has a chat function, phoneline and email if you are concerned about your young person's mental health and want to talk to someone. Click here to access the details.
The new domestic abuse act 2021 recognised children as victims when living within a domestic abuse environment. It can be easy to think we can protect them from the abuse but sadly, they see and hear a lot more than we think.
Women's aid have a section which helps to understand a little more about the impact on children as well as some of the behaviours they may display.
I also run workshops of understanding the impact of domestic abuse on children so watch out for the next date.
The ThinkUKnow site is part of CEOP and focuses on online safety. As well as having the parent page, there are different areas of the site to use with different age groups, providing age appropriate activities and resources for you to do with your child(ren).
There are areas for 4-7 years. 8-10 years and 11-18 years. The 4-7 years section asks for the age of the child so the activities can be targeted appropriately. Age 8-10 is really engaging for the child, focusing around a band who have difficult choices to make. Finally there is 11-18. This is a much more mature looking area which helps young people identify abusive behaviours and know how to report it.
Everyone has a duty to safeguard children and that includes sports clubs and activities.
This website provides their policy as well as how to report a concern.
The runaway helpline helps young people by listening and offering advice. As parents it can be hard to understand why our child wants to run away.
A specially-commissioned film ‘See Us, Hear Us, Help Us’ features a young person talking about her own experiences of sexual exploitation. The film commissioned by Croydon Council portrays the devastating impact that this issue has on people’s lives.
We have spoken a little about sexual exploitation but must not forget that many children and young people are criminally exploited as well. The website has areas for both to help parents understand more about this issue.
The website has a parent page where you get support if your child is being criminally or sexually exploited. The information and advice centre offers a variety of information, including understanding the law to protect your child.
Have you been a victim of FGM and would like support? The NHS has information that can help you.
It is illegal in the UK to perform FGM or to send a child or woman to another country for the procedure. If you believe someone to be at immediate risk of FGM call 999. If you are concerned that someone may be at risk, contact the NSPCC helpline on 0800 028 3550 or fgmhelp@nspcc.org.uk
It is typical to assume that extremism directly links to Islamic terrorism. In some cases this is true but there are different types of extremism which lead to acts of violence because the person or group is unable to acknowledge the differing views of others.
Radicalisation is the process in which someone goes through to to gai their extremist views. This is often facilitated by another person or group to recruit them. The NSPCC amongst others, has further information to help you understand more and seek help.