Education Professionals
Do ALL staff understand the part they play in safeguarding children?
Make sure they have signed to say they have read and understood KCSIE part 1 and annex A. Run a quiz each term to check their knowledge and understanding.
Updates on issues around safeguarding are not just held in staff meetings after school. Remember all staff have a duty of care and will need access to the same updates and training as teachers.
Maintain and update a Safeguarding Information Board in the staff room. Maybe add a new theme each half term providing basic information around key issues such as radicalisation, domestic abuse or gangs, to name a few.
Do staff have an understanding around contextual safeguarding?
Do they have an understanding of the school and local community and the issues within it that could impact on the children who attend your school?
Make time to debrief. Safeguarding and child protection can be emotionally draining and your staff will need time to reflect and process what has happened. Most staff will not have had much experience with direct safeguarding issues so could find it difficult to cope with.
OUR workshops are available to online or in person (see our workshop page). We also have themed 'ready to go' CPD available to purchase in our shop. More information is available on our shop page
FREE staff training links
The Virtual College have a number of free safeguarding training courses online.
Check out your local authority Safeguarding Children Partnership website. The Professionals section will have details of e-learning opportunities
The Anti-bullying Alliance website provides FREE online training modules on a number of topics. Click here to find more information.